Double Chin Reduction

What is a double chin?
Double chin is caused by layers of subcutaneous fat deposits below the chin. Due to this sag it appears as a second chin and hence its name. Some of the factors like age, diet, weight, posture and lifestyle contribute to this condition. Genetics or loose skin resulting from aging may also cause a double chin. So it’s very important to identity if the double chin is because of accumulation of fat or due to loose skin as the treatment varies for both. For accumulation of fat the treatment which is gaining popularity is injections that destroy the fat cells. For loose skin thread lift and machine based treatments that aim to deliver energy to heat the tissue to stimulate collagen are used. Whereas high intensity focused ultrasound also known as HIFU work in both cases.
How to reduce double chin with other treatments?
There are multiple treatments for double chin reduction. Some of the simpler ones involve double chin exercises and following a specific diet plan. A procedure called cryolipolysis chills fat cells to the point of freezing, damaging their membranes so they are absorbed and metabolized by the body. Injection Lipolysis using popular injections like Kybella® are known to be very effective for double chin removal. Non-surgical neck-lift procedures like HIFU by high intensity focused ultrasound energy which is delivered below the skin, affects the three layers of the skin which results in tightening and lifting of the skin. This improves the contours of the neck and chin. Some invasive procedures have known to give very good results like liposuction which removes the fat from beneath the skin.
Double chin treatments are best treated with combination treatments like injection lipolysis that needs to be combined with a technology based skin tightening like high intensity focused ultrasounds or radio frequency tightening machine to give best results.
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